Physics and Astronomy 50th Anniversary Celebration
Friday, May 27: Registration and Reception
5 - 7pm Registration
Wine Tasting hosted by Prof. Bipin Desai Selection of Cheeses
Location: Physics Building, Reading Room
7pm End of Reception -- Please make your own arrangements for dinner
Saturday, May 28: Symposium
8:15am Continental Breakfast and Registration
Location: Physics Building, Reading Room
9:00am Session 1
Location: Engineering II Building, Room 138
9:00am Welcome and Introduction
Dallas Rabenstein, Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost
Thomas Baldwin, Dean CNAS
Harry Tom, Chair, Department of Physics and Astronomy
9:20am "History of the Department"
Allen Zych, Professor Emeritus, UCR Physics and Astronomy
9:45am "UCR's First Semester and Thoughts About Preparing Future Physicists"
William Layton (BA '57), UCLA
10:05am "The Early Years of Biophysics at UCR"
James Hall (PhD '68), UC Irvine
10:25am Break
10:45am Session 2
Location: Engineering II Building, Room 138
10:45am "High Temperature Superconductivity"
Lei Shu (PhD '07), UC San Diego
11:05am "The Frontier of Fiber-Optics Communications"
Gee-Kung Chang (PhD '76), Georgia Tech
11:30am Undergraduate Student Presentations
"The SPS - Participating in our Department and Community",
Alexis Quental, SPS President
"COMSOL Simulations of Suspended-graphene FETs",
Kevin Myhro
"The Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment (MICE)",
Rob Fletcher
12:00 pm Lunch and Graduate Student Posters
Location: Physics Building and Courtyard
1:30pm Lab tours
Location: Physics Building
2:15 pm Session 3
Location: Engineering II Building, Room 138
2:15pm "Everything Changes, but Remains the Same",
James Ryan (BS '70, PhD 78), University of New Hampshire
2:25pm "Early Years at UCR and Experiences at Cal State LA"
David Gregorich (PhD '68), Cal State LA
William Taylor (BA '61, PhD '66), Cal State LA
[no slides]
2:45pm "A Hitchhikers Guide to Fun and Adventure with Careers in
(and out of) Physics"
Starnes Walker (BS '68, PhD '73), US Navy,
Warren Jackson (PhD '69), Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto
3:30pm Break
3:45pm Session 4
Location: Engineering II Building, Room 138
3:45pm Keynote Presentation
"Sensible Options to Ensure Our Future: a Need for Good Science"
Raymond Orbach, (Professor Emeritus and Chancellor Emeritus),
UT Austin
4:35pm "UCR Physics and Astronomy: Present and Future"
Harry Tom, Chair, Department of Physics and Astronomy
5:00pm End of Symposium
6:00pm Banquet
Location: Alumni Center
Drinks at 6:00pm followed by dinner at 6:30pm