Research and Internship Opportunities for CNAS Students

California Alliance for Minority Participation (CAMP)
CAMP encourages underrepresented students in the STEM fields to successfully complete science degrees and further pursue their studies at the graduate and professional levels.

Chancellor's Research Fellowship
The Chancellor's Research Fellowship (CRF) supports faculty-mentored undergraduate research and creative activity projects. This award is open to students in all disciplines.

CNAS Scholars Fellows
Students that successfully complete the CNAS Learning Community program or stay enrolled from fall to spring are encouraged to apply as a CNAS Scholars Fellow for the summer following their first year. We will select students based on the general summer RISE application.

Digital Agriculture Fellowship
The Digital Agriculture Fellowship (DAF) is designed for undergraduate students to gain hands-on experience in agriculture and research. Students selected for each cohort will complete approximately 15 months of hands-on research and networking experience, with an additional opportunity for externship participation.

DNA Subway
The Sequence to Success DNA Barcoding Challenge (aka DNA Subway) at UC Riverside is an interdisciplinary outreach project consisting of students from local community colleges pursuing a bachelors degree in Science, Technology, Engineering & Math [STEM].

Research in Science and Engineering (RISE)
RISE is a summer research program that prepares students for graduate and professional study by providing valuable research experiences, training, seminars, meetings with the Divisional Dean, and professional development workshops.

Research Experiences for Undergraduates. Focus on applications of thin films or monolayer materials for chemistry, physics, and engineering (EE, ME, BE, CE) students.

MARC Research Training Program
Maximizing Access to Research Careers (MARC) Research Training Program provides structured training programs to prepare high-achieving, underrepresented students for doctoral programs in biomedical research fields.

Mentoring Summer Research Internship Program (MSRIP)
MSRIP is a summer research program designed for rising juniors, seniors (and some rising masters students) from educationally and/or economically disadvantaged backgrounds to pursue their Ph.D.

Summer Bridge to Research
The CNAS Summer Bridge to Research Program is a paid ten-week, full-time research experience for first-time incoming community college transfer students admitted for the Fall quarter to one of the 17 academic majors housed in the College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences [CNAS]. The program is aimed at supporting underrepresented student populations in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics [STEM] fields. The program aims to increase the number of students transferring into the STEM fields and improve their success and retention in the university.

UC Leadership Excellence through Advanced Degrees (UC LEADS)
UC system-wide academic preparation, two-year program designed to identify educationally and/or economically disadvantaged undergraduates pursuing degrees in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), who will conceivably complete doctorate degrees. Two paid summer research experiences. First summer is spent at UCR, second summer is spent at a UC of your choice.

UCR/City of Hope Comprehensive Cancer Center
Disparities in U.S. drug development occur throughout the entire drug discovery pipeline. Only a small number of basic scientists are Latino/Hispanic-American or African-American. The mission of the UCR-CoHCCC U54 Partnership is to provide the training, opportunity, and mentorship required for these minority men and women to become the next leaders in drug development. Our partnership offers funding and training opportunities for researchers of all levels.

University Honors Program
The Honors Program connects the brightest UCR students with top professors at UCR for research, focus-driven classes, and individual projects.



Undergraduate Research Portal and Opportunities

The UCR Office of Student Engagement's uResearch Portal is a one-stop shop for students to find opportunities to participate in faculty-mentored research, scholarship, and creative activities. For summer research opportunities, visit UCR Office of Student Engagement Summer Research Awards.

Internships & Research Opportunities via the UCR Career Center



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