MSN - One of the most extensively studied stellar streams within the galactic halo of the Milky Way is the GD-1 stellar stream. It is known for its long, thin structure and distinctive features. It exhibits spur and gap features that have puzzled scientists for many years. A team of researchers led by Hai-Bo Yu...
SPACE.COM - A perplexing "break" in a stream of stars around the Milky Way could be the result of dark matter — that is, if the mysterious cosmic stuff interacts with itself. The feature in question is in the GD-1 stellar stream, a thin group of stars moving together on a shared trajectory through the...
KESQ - Meanwhile the Department of Homeland Security and Federal Bureau of Investigation continue to press there is no evidence of reported drone sightings posing a national security or public safety threat from a foreign nexus. Despite that, the FBI and DHS are deploying drone detection technology and infrared cameras to probe whether the drones...
LIVE SCIENCE - A new superconductor material could greatly improve the reliability of quantum computers, scientists say. The electrical resistance of materials typically decreases as they are cooled. But some materials, called superconductors, maintain a gradually declining electrical resistance until they are cooled to their critical cut-off temperature, at which point their resistance becomes zero...
POPULAR MECHANICS - Scientists have combined a powerful simulator with data about the universe to explain a large discrepancy in our understanding. The simulation suite, called PRIYA, debuted last year and is helping scientists study a special phenomenon of hydrogen atoms in deep outer space. Now, in a new study, PRIYA has enabled scientists from...
IFLSCIENCE - A team of astrophysicists have mapped the “Lyman-Alpha Forest", and provided further supporting evidence that galaxy and galaxy cluster formations are better explained by dark matter than alternative theories. While observing the universe, astronomers found that galaxies and galaxy clusters don't behave in the way we would expect. In short, stars at the...
YAHOO UK - Dark matter, the invisible substance believed to account for over 80 percent of the universe's mass, is not an easy thing to detect. We can see its gravitational pull on visible matter, however — which makes hydrogen, as the most common element out there, a prime candidate to watch for those interactions...
GIZMODO - Using a supercomputer, a team of physicists has confirmed a discrepancy between observations of the universe and theoretical predictions about its structure. The team used PRIYA, a suite of simulations that takes optical light data from two surveys to refine cosmological parameters, to determine constraints on measurements of the universe and its evolution...
UNIVERSE TODAY - Universe Today has had some incredible discussions with a wide array of scientists regarding impact craters, planetary surfaces, exoplanets, astrobiology, solar physics, comets, planetary atmospheres, planetary geophysics, cosmochemistry, meteorites, radio astronomy, extremophiles, organic chemistry, black holes, cryovolcanism, and planetary protection, and how these intriguing fields contribute to our understanding regarding our place...
SCI.NEWS - “Since its discovery in 2016, there have been many attempts to reproduce Crater II’s unusual properties, but it has proved very challenging,” said University of California, Riverside’s Professor Hai-Bo Yu. Dark matter makes up 85% of the Universe’s matter, and it can form a spherical structure under the influence of gravity called a...