EARTH.COM - Honeybees have been indispensable to agriculture for centuries. Their role in pollination supports food production, contributing to the growth of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and coffee. Without bees and proper hive health, many crops would struggle, leading to food shortages.
But bee populations are shrinking due to bad weather, chemicals, and pests. This harms nature and makes life harder for beekeepers who need healthy bees for honey and farming.
Beekeepers face increasing challenges in maintaining hive health. External stressors disrupt colonies, making it difficult for bees to survive.
Traditional methods of monitoring hive conditions rely on experience and judgment. While valuable, these methods are not always precise. Scientists and engineers have now introduced a data-driven approach to help beekeepers make informed decisions and prevent colony collapse.
A research team from Carnegie Mellon University’s School of Computer Science and the University of California, Riverside has developed a system to monitor hive health more accurately.