UCR Mathematics department announces 2023-2024 award winners

The UC Riverside Mathematics department has announced the 2023-2024 awards honoring visiting assistant professors, graduate and undergraduate students: 

Outstanding Visiting Assistant Professor Award for Visiting Assistant Professor/Postdoctoral Scholars:

The 2024-2024 Outstanding Visiting Assistant Professor Award winners are: 

Courtney George UCR Math Department

Courtney George
Courtney's dedication to teaching is evident from her glowing student evaluations, her impressive response rates (of at least 86%), her often-bustling office hours, and her work with faculty in coordinated courses. Students praised her clear explanations, how she listened to student concerns, her patience, her welcoming nature, and her detailed clear notes with "the most beautiful" penmanship. Courtney also shared her experiences and insights with graduate students as a panelist for the Choosing a PhD Advisor: Panel Discussion.

Hassan Attarchi UCR Math Department

Hassan Attarchi
Hassan has consistently received excellent evaluations and comments from his students, who praise his enthusiasm for teaching, understanding nature, and positive attitude, as well as his ability to give "clear and concise explanations of tough materials". Last fall he helped organize our Teaching Workshop and led a session.

Fazel Hadadifarad
Fazel has taught a variety of courses at UCR, from Calculus to senior-level courses, and has consistently received high evaluations. Students often emphasize the clarity of his lectures, genuine enthusiasm, willingness to help, and his accommodating nature as an instructor. Fazel has just published a paper on the incompressible Euler equation, with several more submitted.

Matthew Harper
Matthew has been a leading force in pivotal research contributions within Weyl Algebras at UCR. His dedication to teaching is evident in his evaluations, with students describing him as organized and enthusiastic. Students appreciate his helpfulness, clear explanations, and ability to make complex concepts understandable.

M.M. Rao Graduate Fellowship Award:
Dr. Malempati M. Rao joined the faculty at the University of California, Riverside in 1972. He remained at UC Riverside until his retirement in 2011. He has held visiting positions at the Institute for Advanced Study (Princeton), the Indian Statistical Institute, University of Vienna, University of Strasbourg, and the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (Berkeley). Dr. Rao’s research interests were initially in probability and mathematical statistics, but his intense mathematical interest and natural curiosity found him pursuing a wide range of mathematical analysis including stochastic processes, functional analysis, ergodic theory and related asymptotics, differential equations and difference equations. Dr. Rao and his family established this fund to provide support for graduate students in the Department of Mathematics.

The 2023-2024 M.M. Rao Graduate Fellowship award winner is: 

Rahul Rajukumar UCR Math Department

Rahul Rajukumar
Rahul is pursuing probability theory as his research area, under the direction of Prof. David Weisbart. Rahul already has results on the component processes of diffusion processes in a finite dimensional vector space over the p-adic numbers and on scaling limits. Rahul is quite independently studying what the path measures of Brownian motion can reveal about the underlying state space. In addition to his research, Rahul is active in student mentorship, and is introducing our undergraduate students to valuable research opportunities.

Vernon Kramer Memorial Service Graduate Student Award:
Dr. Vernon A. Kramer (1924-1985) taught for and helped develop the Mathematics Department at UCR. He studied under such reputed mathematicians as A.A. Albert at the University of Chicago and Frantisek Wolf at UC Berkeley. Hired in 1954 as part of the UCR Physical Sciences faculty, Dr. Kramer proved to be invaluable. Among many other services, he authored curricula, catalog copy, and grant proposals; he conducted extensive searches for new faculty and worked with the administration in the development of the structure of the new department. His colleagues created this memorial to honor Dr. Kramer's memory. It takes a great deal of effort for our department to accomplish all that it does. We are thankful that we have such a large contingent of graduate students who are more than willing and able to not only contribute to the department, but to also go the extra mile. When graduate students consistently steps up to help other grads and instructors, help with events, attend recruitment fairs, and more, we put forth the effort to recognize and thank them with the Vernon A. Kramer Memorial Service Award.

The 2023-2024 Vernon Kramer Memorial Service Award winners are: 

Jialin Wang UCR Math Department

Jialin Wang
Jialin graciously volunteered her time to assist the department in recruiting graduate students from minority groups and underrepresented communities. She participated in diverse local, state, and national graduate recruitment fairs. She created a safe space for prospective and admitted students to ask questions about our department and university.

Kevin Chaoyang Gao UCR Math Department

Kevin (Chaoyang) Gao
Kevin has been phenomenal in every aspect of graduate recruitment. Most importantly, hosting prospective students visiting campus. His gracious, kind, and helpful personality assisted the department greatly in recruiting students for our graduate program.


Tyler Pierce UCR Math Department

Tyler Pierce
Tyler, with his outgoing personality, shared his educational journey to encourage and empower prospective students to consider our graduate program and most importantly envision themselves in a doctoral program.


Zachary Virgilio UCR Math Department

Zachary Virgilio
Zachary willingly volunteered his time to assist the department in recruiting graduate students from minority groups and underrepresented communities. Despite only 2 students being approved to recruit at The Field of Dreams Conference, he joined the department in its recruitment efforts without hesitation! Zach can always be counted on.

Outstanding TA Award:
Every Academic year the Teaching Assistant Development Program recognizes the outstanding teaching assistants selected by each of the UC Riverside departments. Though it is difficult to choose a select few out our TAs' consistently strong efforts, every year a number of TAs manage to find a way to stand out from the group.

The 2023-2024 Outstanding Teaching Assistants award winners are: 

Bill Terry
Emerald Win
Jialin Wang
Kevin Gao
Khoi Vo
Michael Gulas
Ryan Aschoff
Shane Rankin
Tyler Pierce
Zach Virgilio

The 2023-2024 Outstanding Teaching Assistants award recipients have all demonstrated to be effective and impactful teachers who bring creative approaches to the classroom! Many congratulations to you all!

Ketcherside Undergraduate Student Award:
Mrs. Rosalie Ketchersid always had great interest in Riverside and San Bernardino counties, and made significant contributions to both through the Community Foundation. In addition, in August 1998, she established the Ernest E.& Rosalie C. Ketchersid Endowed Scholarship in her husband's memory. This scholarship supports UCR undergraduate students from Riverside and San Bernardino counties. Mrs. Ketchersid passed away in April 2005.

The 2023-2024 Ketchersid Award winners are: 

Aliyah Bello
Cristian Herrera
Jacob Gower
Jonathan Martinez
Kimberly Arreguin
Maritssa Nolasco
Moises Ruano
Rayan Awais
William Murray
Xavier Madrid

Congratulations to the 2023-2024 Ketchersid Award winners!

Bryce-Mason Undergraduate Student Award:
With deep appreciation for his outstanding educational experience at UCR, Dr. Bryce Mason has created an endowed award to support undergraduate students who have exhibited passion for and excellence in mathematics. Bryce found that the rigor required for the study of mathematics greatly improved his reasoning and critical thinking, which have been beneficial throughout his life and career. He also fondly recalls a warm, collegial learning environment made by faculty and fellow students. Bryce hopes that the recipients of this award will similarly enjoy and benefit from their mathematical journey.

The 2023-2024 Bryce-Mason award winner is:

Darius Mahamedi
This award recognizes Darius for excellence in mathematics and contributing to our positive learning environment. Congratulations, Darius!

Bosh Undergraduate Student Prize:
Barbara Bosch wishes to establish a current restricted fund with the UC Riverside Foundation, a California non-profit corporation, with the conditions and purposes contained in this document. The name of the fund shall be the Deborah K. Bosch Memorial Mathematics Award Fund ("Fund"), in memory of her twin sister. The donor intends to make regular contributions to the Fund until such time that it is endowed. Dr. Deborah K. Bosch graduated in 1979 from UCR with a B.S. in Mathematics. She attended Stanford University, where she received a Master of Science degree in Mathematics and a Ph.D. in Engineering-Economic Systems. For more than two decades, Deborah was a management consultant nationally and internationally. She volunteered her time and skills in support of educational programs and also to community development organizations in Africa. Deborah was a wonderfully kind person who placed great value on education. Deborah passed away on June 23, 2009 after a courageous battle with cancer.

The 2023-2024 Bosh Prize winner is: 

Jana Fahs
Jana Fahs won the 2023-24 Bosch Prize for her outstanding course performance and undergraduate research. She has presented her work in both the UCR undergraduate research symposium and the Mathematical Pathways to an Excellent Future conference.

CNAS Academic Excellence Award:
These awards recognize College of Natural & Agricultural Sciences students who are selected by their faculty for achieving excellence in their academics and research or creative activity.

The 2023-2024 CNAS Academic Excellence in Mathematics Award winners are:

Sudhir Murthy
Riley Hunke

Congratulations to all of the 2023-2024 UC Riverside Mathematics department award winners!


UCR Mathematics Department

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