Entomology banner with three insects

Give to Entomology

Support the Advancing Inclusivity in Entomology Scholarship Endowed Fund


Many marginalized students are excluded from research opportunities because they have to simultaneously balance their academic workload while supporting themselves financially. An endowed fund will support undergraduate students who experience social, cultural, and financial barriers and allow them to conduct research in an entomology lab without worrying about financial commitments.   

Entomology faculty, graduate students, and staff are very close to a goal of raising $25,000 necessary to create an endowed fund to support a scholarship for undergraduate students from marginalized groups. This fund will help them overcome the systemic barriers they face and facilitate their ability to participate and excel in entomology and scientific research at UCR.

Our goal is to increase the endowment to a level such that multiple students can be supported to conduct research within entomology labs at UCR. All donations are tax-deductible, and your support will make a direct impact on the lives of these undergraduates in the field of entomology.

To make a gift by check: make payable to “UCR Foundation” and write Inclusivity in Entomology on the memo line.

UCR Foundation
PO Box 5068
Riverside, CA 92517-5068

For questions, please contact Veronica Parga at veronica.parga@ucr.edu or 951.827.4191




Banner image (c) Alex Wild / www.alexanderwild.com

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