Turns out JWST hasn’t found life in another planet…yet

COSMOS MAGAZINE: In 2023, an exoplanet made international headlines because James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) observations suggested that the planet has a “biosignature” – signs of gas in its atmosphere produced by “life.” A new study published in the Astrophysical Journal Letters pricks a hole in this hypothesis. K2-18b is a planet orbiting a star...
By Evrim Yazgin | Cosmos Magazine |

James Webb detects signs of life on exoplanet K2-18b

EARTH.COM - The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) represents a remarkable advancement in astronomical observation. In 2023, initial reports suggested that JWST had detected potential signs of life on the distant exoplanet K2-18b. Understandably, this news generated considerable excitement within the scientific community and among the general public. However, a recent study offers a more...
By Sanjana Gajbhiye | Earth.com |

Why alien life might look purple

NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC - When inspecting the cosmos for potentially habitable worlds, scientists have long looked for the color green. Green is the fundamental color of life on Earth, after all. But what if life on faraway planets wasn’t green at all? In fact, what if it were purple? Signatures of habitable worlds Astronomers look for...

By Alice Sun | National Geographic |

Why Extrasolar Earths Will Also Have Trees

FORBES - With spring in the Northern Hemisphere in full bloom, forests are again beckoning hikers onto paths that wend their way through thousands of acres of old growth trees. Such forests not only offer salve for the soul, but their role in Earth’s ecology is arguably crucial to the health of our planet. But...
By Bruce Dorminey | Forbes |

How lightning on exoplanets could make it harder to find alien life

POPULAR SCIENCE - We’re used to thunder and lightning here on Earth. But what might they be like on another planet? We know other worlds in the solar system have lightning strikes, for example, high in the clouds of Jupiter or during dust storms on Mars. Now, astronomers are thinking about lightning on planets beyond...

By Briley Lewis | Popular Science |
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